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Nurturing a stronger community

Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre
Housing and Homelessness Service

Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre delivers a Specialist Homelessness Service (SHS) which is jointly funded by the Australian and Qld governments.

This program aims to support people as they deal with the issues that have led them to becoming homeless or at risk of this.  We are also able to work with people to access the Queensland Homelessness Information Platform, including a Vacancy Register and the Common Homelessness Assessment and Referral Tool.

Our case management approach is responsive to the client’s stated needs and can include:

  • short term emergency accommodation support
  • general support
  • information and advocacy
  • living skills
  • court support and personal support with respect to families and relationships.

Some basic items such as swags, and information about services such as meals, showers, and medical services are also provided through this program.

We can link with a range of supports to assist clients to overcome obstacles to gaining stable accommodation.

Our team embraces diversity in our community and staff are competent in responding to people who have special needs and access interpreter services when appropriate.

Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre welcomes and supports newly arrived Queenslanders including refugees, migrants, international students, and people seeking asylum. We are dedicated to building a welcoming Queensland where all new Queenslanders have the opportunity to fully contribute to and participate in a multicultural society. We can help address the cultural needs of our clients and community by recognising their own cultural expertise; and by accessing cultural support services and TIS National’s interpreting services

Office Hours Monday to Friday – 9am to 4pm – 3379 6963